How do FluentPet Talking Buttons Work?

How Do FluentPet
Buttons Work?

A step-by-step guide to getting started with buttons.

3 Easy Steps to Start Teaching With Buttons

Choose your words

To choose your words, pay attention to the things that motivate your learner. These may already be words they recognize (e.g., outside, play, cuddle). Once you select a word, use it repeatedly, in context without adding different conjugations. For example, to model ‘play’, when you’re about to play with your learner, say ‘Do you want to play? Ok let’s play! Play play play!’

Modeling to your dog or cat how to use the FluentPet Button

Model how to use buttons

After you’ve recorded your first button, ‘model’ the new word/phrase for your learner by (a) saying the word/phrase, then (b) pressing the corresponding button, and (c) either directing your learner’s attention to an object (‘ball!’) or engaging in the action you’ve just described.

Stick with it and be patient

When learning any new language, the first stage is observing and absorbing. This will be the first stage of learning for your dog or cat and it can take some time. Don’t get discouraged, be consistent with your button teaching and check out our Get Started Guide for steps and trouble-shooting tips.

Women showing her cat how to use cat talking buttons

Getting Started with Buttons

Read and Download our Free Guide To Teaching Dogs and Cats to Talk with Buttons.

Read The Guide